
Gelpi Family Portraits

Holly Springs Family Portraits| Holly Springs NC | Sugg Farm | Gelpi Family Sneak Peek


Holly Springs family portraits are always the best at Sugg Farm. But really, this is true. Regardless of the time of year, the tree lines and fence are beautiful when they are backlit like they were for the Gelpi family.

Mommy and me photography session Raleigh

I always plan my sessions depending on the photos that are most important for my client. Typically we have a great mix of semi posed family photos as well as plenty of candid moments. It is during those candid moments, during the candid shots, that we get the most authentic smiles from everyone. This is also when we can get some fun pictures of the kids together. The trick is to not let them know they are being set up for some silliness.

Candid family portraitsHolly Springs Family PortraitsHolly Springs NC Photographer

Another thing to expect during a family portrait session is that we make sure you have plenty of photos to choose from. Once we get the shots we move on to another family combo. This keeps the session flowing and rolling without getting anyone bored where they lose interest and check out of the remainder of the session.

Holly Springs NC Family PortraitsChild photography Holly Springs NCApex NC family photography

If you think that family portraits can’t be fun, I want to help you rethink this thought. I want to make the session fun for everyone so that everyone has something they hold close from the session. Whether that is a silly face shot or a sneaky tickle attack, I will get those genuine smiles and capture the love that your family has.

Raleigh family Photography

I know it seems early, BUT, I am already booking for peak foliage fall mini sessions. I already have 8 sessions scheduled for October and November. So don’t wait, once the sessions are booked, no more will be made available. Send me an email and I can send you my remaining availability for fall.


Holly Springs Family Portraits

Raleigh Photographer

Serving Raleigh & Beyond
